Tweet Up schedule–Social Customer Service ROI

Starting on Monday, June 6, 2011, Dr. Natalie and I will host a 3-session tweet up series on the Social Customer Service.

Over the 3 sessions, we’ll discuss topics related to thought leadership we shared in our recent white paper Calculating the ROI for Social Customer Service.

Our end goal with our recent paper and coming tweet ups is to help people combine strategy with ROI to accelerate executive approval of social customer service programs.

Of course, each of you have your own experiences and thoughts to share so it won’t be complete unless you join in the discussion!

Mark your calendars and join the discussion on:

  1. How to Build the Business Case for Social Customer Service – Monday, June 6, 2011 at 3 pm EDT.
  2. Calculating ROI for Social Customer Service – Week of  June 13 - TBD.
  3. How Social Customer Service Benefits the Entire Company – Week of June 20 - TBD.

The hash tag for each session will be #smROI.

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Attensity Webinar - "Yes, Social ROI Can Be Determined

I gave a webinar today with Dr. Natalie Petouhoff on determining Social ROI, sponsored by Attensity.  Check out the slide below.  If you'd like a podcast of the audio, check out Attensity's Archived Webinars (if the podcast isn't there already it will be soon.

In other news, Natalie and I will give a part 2 of the webinar at the Attensity Engage User Conference (to be held on November 9-10 in Silicon Valley, CA).


Here's today's preso:



Simplifying Social Business - How real people work

The social business model exalts engagement and collaboration with customers, partners, and employees. 

Strip it back and the reason why the social business model is fundamentally important is because it supports how real people relate and do real business.

Why then are companies still confused about the social business model?  Why aren’t they rushing to implement it in their own companies?

I’m going to explore these issues in this white paper, although I’m going to come at the discussion from a little different perspective than most other thought leaders in the social business space.

Along the way, I’ll explore why the social business model is so important for companies today ─ and the potential impact on failing to pay attention to it.


Click here to read Simplifying Social Business or you can view the slideshow format.


Chris Bucholtz reviews ValueRight

Chris Bucholtz, editor-in-chief of Forecasting Clouds, wrote a review of ValueRight, a social business valuation tool developed by Pathlight Solutions, our sister firm.

Chris wrote,

[ValueRight is] an application that takes a stab at applying the numbers involved in Social CRM – both the expenses and the revenues – to draw a clear picture of the impact Social CRM has.

[The] presence of such an application is great news for the Social CRM space; marketing suffered for years without the ability to associate costs and revenues with their efforts. Social CRM is an even trickier nut to crack.

Read the full review here.


You can also follow Chris on Twitter at @bucholz.

0. Introduction to the Business of Social Business eSeries

It's time to get serious about the Business of Social Business and our new Pathlight Solutions eSeries eBook will jump start your efforts.

The opt-in eSeries eBook will arm you with the insights you need to incorporate sound business fundamentals into your social business design.  At a high level, the series will focus on the topics of:

  • Social business strategy and its implications,
  • Blasting through social media ROI myths.
  • Valuation of social initiatives and solving its inherent challenges.


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Chatting with Paul Greenberg about social media ROI

Yesterday, I had a great chat with Paul Greenberg, Mr. Godfather of CRM and all-around nice guy, while demo’g ValueRight Social Media.

Our convo took a number of twists and turns, spanning from valuation methods that take a more traditional approach to social media like ValueRight.  We also segued into the need for new metrics that will better reflect the full value of social media.  The sort of metrics centered on Customer Lifetime Value (think V. Kumar).


We both agreed, though, even innovative new metrics will still conversion into

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Talking Around the Town -- December 20, 2009

Here there and everywhere. Bloggy places I've recently been.


More Crazy Talk, Social Media, No Measurable Value But You Have To Have It?

John Moore responding to a statement made by an independent analyst who should know better. Oh boy did I have comments.


The Three Realities of SCRM Right Now

Esteban Kolsky gives an excellent round up of 2009 and forecasts into 2010.  Added my $0.02.


My wish for 2010: Consolidating Strategies

Wim Rampen weighs in with his Christmas wish list.  Esteban's post, referenced above, inspired Wim's.  My thoughts are mixed.

Why Value differs from Benefits & the impact on social media

If you want to understand how to perform valuations of corporate initiatives, including social media, then you need to understand the difference between value and benefits.

Benefits are what you get from a corporate initiative but Value is the money you receive from increased revenues or cost savings.

Benefits are intangibles and some will directly derive from specific feature functionality.  Others will be sourced by emotions.

In contrast, Value is tangible -- and it's currency.

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