The Great Social Media and Social CRM debates

I spend très beaucoup time keeping up with thought leadership on social media and social CRM topics, hopefully adding to the discussion.

A big discussion topic centers on whether social media is a paradigm shift for how companies will be called to interact with their customers.

Is it?  Hmmm. Yes and no.  I’m going to give you my 2 cents worth and am interested in yours.

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4 in 5 adults participate in social media -- Companies need Social Media Strategy

Think social media doesn't have an impact on your company?  Think again.  And yes, that's true even if your business is B2B.

Forrester just published its third annual Social Technographics Profile.  Some of the highlights can be found on the Groundswell website or you can purchase the full report from Forrester, entitled "The Broad Reach of Social Technologies.” The company gathered and analyzed data from across North America, Europe, and Asia.

A few of the stats that popped out at me are these:

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Speaking of the cumulative power of blogging

Just two weeks ago, I blogged about the real value of B2B blogging and today I want to revisit the topic after seeing an interesting phenomenon in one of my blogs.

It’s one of my personal blogs but it still illustrates a point.  See, in the blog in question (not this one!), I’ve been stacked up this week and failed to post.  Imagine my surprise, though, to pop into my web statistics and discover a great week of visitations anyway.

Here's why...

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Tooty tooting -- Three Spheres of Web Strategy

Jeremiah Owyang, senior analyst at Forrester Research, authors an interesting blog called Web Strategy by Jeremiah.  I like peeking in on his articles because they focus on how companies can use web tools to connect with their customers.  A topic near and dear to us over here at Community Network.

One of Jeremiah's articles from last August focused on The Three Spheres of Web Strategy, complete with a cool graphic that shows the overlapping relationship among the spheres...

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