How Strategic Social Customer Service Generates and Preserves Revenue

The slide deck below is from a presentation Dr. Natalie Petouhoff and I did for the 2012 Customer Service Experience conference, which was an offshoot of CRM Destination.

In it, we discuss how social media can be used to retain customers, leading to retained revenues from avoiding customer defections. We also included an in-depth case study from a blue chip company’s social customer service team.

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Back in the Saddle

I’ve been busy with client projects and client generation and have let my blog postings slip since February. But I’m getting back in the saddle again and plan on posting new articles at least once a week if not more.

Over the next week, I'll post presentations I made earlier in the year on the topics:

(If the links are live, then the presos on already posted on the blog).

And in coming weeks, I’ll be writing more about a project I’m excited about. I’ve teamed with BCF to write an guidebook on Social Marketing and ROI especially for the hotel industry. BCF is a marketing agency with a passion for the travel and hospitality industry.

I’ll keep you posted.

Social Media ROIs are excellent so get on with it

As a consultant, I often have prospects trying to buy my services by promising me leads or “exposure.”  Those results are beneficial but they don’t put food on my table or pay my rent.  Know what does?

Money does.

Now take what I just said and translate that to a company.  A business can’t pay its employees with tweets.  It can’t build a new factory paid for with impressions.  That takes money.

Are you really surprised then, when executives want a social ROI to forecast the revenue or savings potential from undertaking what could be a six- to seven-figure social investment?  They need to know how much Money Out and In to expect to run the business.

To me, any corporate initiative should be able to stand the test of economic analysis -- and no, marketing isn't excused.

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