7 SCRM insights that will change the world – From #SCRMSummit

This week the #SCRM community practiced what it preached when Paul Greenberg pulled together a room full of the top thought leaders in SCRM.  Many thanks to Paul for being the magnet that pulled us all together and many personal thanks for including me in the event.

Where to start…First, much to my surprise we had almost full attendance despite the snow and travel challenges.  I was a local and almost got scared from braving the roads but knew I needed to be there given the number of stellar attendees.  And I’m pretty darned sure that’s what motivated the other attendees to brave the travel tribulations too.

What I loved about the group was the open discussion, and sometimes debate, within the conference room and in the evenings’ various social gatherings.  We don’t always agree with each other but everyone handles the debates with professional courtesy and a willingness to evolve their thoughts.  That’s how we all grow.

Here are 7 takeaways that hit the loudest.

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Attending Paul Greenberg’s Certification in SCRM Strategy Workshop

February is already poised to be a fun month around here.  I’ll be attending the BPT Partners (Paul Greenberg) workshop on Certification in Social CRM Strategy on February 9-10 in Herndon VA.

Paul is renouned as the Godfather of CRM – and for good reason.  Beyond that Paul is the sort of pro who bends over backwards to help others.  Put it together and what it means is anytime you have an opportunity to spend with him, grab it because it’s definitely worth it.


Twitter SCRM Accidental Community coming too

Just being present to soak up Paul’s SCRMy goodness is sufficient reason to attend thw SCRM Strategy workshop.

What will take the workshop over the top for me will be the added presence of a stellar group of other experts from the Twitter SCRM Accidental Community, of which moi is a part.

As of now, here are some of the other thought leaders attending the workshop:

This is going to be good.  Join us!

Chatting with Paul Greenberg about social media ROI

Yesterday, I had a great chat with Paul Greenberg, Mr. Godfather of CRM and all-around nice guy, while demo’g ValueRight Social Media.

Our convo took a number of twists and turns, spanning from valuation methods that take a more traditional approach to social media like ValueRight.  We also segued into the need for new metrics that will better reflect the full value of social media.  The sort of metrics centered on Customer Lifetime Value (think V. Kumar).


We both agreed, though, even innovative new metrics will still conversion into

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