How to do Google+ messaging

I’m loving using Google+ and am looking forward to it coming out of beta so more people can get involved. If you’re new and need help with understanding how to do messaging, then Gord McLeod over at has what you need.

For example, I wanted to figure out how to send a message to one specific person, like a Twitter DM. As much as I enjoy reading the conversation streams, I wanted to make personal connections with folks too. Gord has the answer -- and he's now my new best friend.

Check out:

How to Take Advantage of Google+ Messaging

How to Use the Advanced Secrets of Google+ Messaging


Integrate community and CRM solutions & alleviate sales challenges

Over the last two articles in the Sales Challenges series (here and here), we’ve delved into the sales challenges revolving on messaging, prospecting and closing sales.  We also identified using online community and CRM solutions to resolve these challenges.

Today, I want to close the loop by discussing the benefits of integrating these solutions together to further mitigate sales challenges.

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Mitigate prospecting and sale-closing challenges – Use CRM and community solutions

Sales Challenges series, part 2

Yesterday, we opened the Sales Challenge series by looking at challenges around messaging and the solutions to mitigate them.  Today, we’re going to investigate challenges around prospecting and closing sales and the ways in which you can use CRM and community solutions to resolve them.

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Resolve messaging sales challenges with community solutions

In this economy, we all face sales challenges.  Topping the list are those related to messaging, prospecting, and closing the sale.

Each of these challenges can be mitigated through the effective use of CRM and community solutions in the Sales Challenge series will investigate each and provide solutions to mitigate them.  To start off, we’ll focus on the messaging.

However, these challenges interconnect so in our third and closing article in the Sales Challenge series, we’ll address integrating the solutions to achieve a holistic resolution.

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What can happen when you have a failure to communicate

Growing up, a poster displaying the following quotation from Nixon adorned my wall because I loved its provocative message:

I know you think you understand what you think I said. I'm not sure you realize, though, that what I said is not what I meant.

Okay, now I don't know if the ex-pres actually said that or not but here's the point I want to make.  Are you finding you need to say that your various communities, be they customers, partners, or employees? 

Is your messaging being misunderstood or corrupted? ...

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