Talking around the town – Friday, 10/23/09

This week, I had much to say about a number of topics.

Holding central place is my continuing championship of letting business objectives and strategies lead technology.  The latter is the servant of the former, by gum. 

Go. Read.


The Next Big Thing is not Social “XYZ”

Wim Rampen wrote a short article that generated active discussion on the topic of the co-creation being at the core of Social CRM and Social Business Design.  Much of the discussion centered on the Next Big Thing. 

I'm a technology lover and, hey, partner in an IT firm here.  In my mind, though too much discussion still centers on technology, when many businesses are still at the starting point of defining objectives and strategies for social business design. 

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6 tips to protect your Intellectual Property

Intellicore Design Consulting’s business practice is focused on small- to medium-sized businesses.  Some of our clients and prospects are just moving up the line to having professionally managed IT resources.

Nothing wrong with that.  However, whether you build internal or use external IT resources, you'll want to employ best practices to ensure that you safeguard your intellectual property and facilitate smooth-running IT resources.  Here are 6 tips to help you do so.

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