Should you fire clients? – Salesforce insights

Jeremiah Owyang wrote a recent article about the strategic value of firing problematic clients during a recession.

In particular, the best candidates for termination are those who lead to some sort of net negative that lowers profitability.

Makes sense to me – although I’d look at the situation in any economic environment.  The question then is how you determine who those net-neg clients are.  The answer is to balance anecdotal information with hard analytics.

Let me show you how you can use your Salesforce solution to determine a thumbs up or down on a client.

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Spend marketing dollars effectively during a trashed economy

Where are companies investing their marketing dollars as the economy turns down?  Two blogs in my reading list posed this question recently.  One is Jeremiah Owyang and the other Marketing Sherpa.

Their posts stimulated my own post on where companies are likely to gain the greatest bang for their marketing bucks and why.

To set the stage, we'll start with some wake-up results from Marketing Sherpa and then I'll segue into  answering some where and why questions posed by Jeremiah...

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Tooty tooting -- Three Spheres of Web Strategy

Jeremiah Owyang, senior analyst at Forrester Research, authors an interesting blog called Web Strategy by Jeremiah.  I like peeking in on his articles because they focus on how companies can use web tools to connect with their customers.  A topic near and dear to us over here at Community Network.

One of Jeremiah's articles from last August focused on The Three Spheres of Web Strategy, complete with a cool graphic that shows the overlapping relationship among the spheres...

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