SCRM Interview With Thought Leader Kathy Herrmann
All Things CRM just interviewed me for an article on Social CRM. Questions included the evolution of SCRM, it's future, what companies are doing SCRM well, and the ROI of SCRM.
Check it out!
Defining SCRM
There’s some variation across different thought leaders about what SCRM means. Here’s how I look at it.
I start with the idea of the social business model which centers on engaging, collaborating, and connecting with customers, partners, employees, and other interested parties. It refers to the holistic corporate adoption of activities that occur both internally and externally to the company and incorporates all of a company’s business ecosystem.
SCRM narrows the focus to the customer, making them central to the business. It goes beyond saying your customers are important. Companies with strong SCRM strategies build genuine and authentic relationships with customers by sharing two-way conversations with them.
Why do I make the distinction? Customers are important and I’m a believer in companies being customer-centric. However, it’s also important to realize the importance of partners and customers. For me, the social business model incorporates all the needed elements and it includes SCRM as a central plank in the model’s platform.
I’m in process right now of updating my eBook Simplifying Social Business – The Promise of Social CRM and will have it ready for release in the next few weeks for sale on Kindle and PubIt (Barnes and Noble’s store for Nook). In the eBook, I’ll overview the social business model. Additionally, I’ll discuss the problem with CRM and how SCRM can provide a needed solution to its challenges.
Stay tuned!
The Promise of Social CRM is now available on Kindle and Nook. In this eBook, I teamed with Dr. Natalie Petouhoff to provide a more in-depth explanation of social busiess and social CRM.
We’ll cover:
- The essence of social business -- defining what it means, why it’s a paradigm shift for business, its benefits, and communication methods required for success.
- The Unsolved Challenge of CRM failures.
- The promise of Social CRM -- emulating the human approach, making sense of social interactions, and how to start applying SCRM in your company.
The Promise of Social CRM is part of our Simplifying Social Business eseries.
Buy on Kindle - The Promise of Social CRM
Buy on Nook - The Promise of Social CRM