Pathlight Solutions transforms business
We’re pleased as punch to announce the launch of Pathlight Solutions, a new firm focused on transforming business.
Our suite of workshops, tools, and services show companies how to holistically fuse business, technology, and people requirements to ignite positive change.
We focus on what’s necessary to manage the business and what real people need to accomplish - and provide the thought leadership companies use to meet those needs.
We’re not leaving Intellicore Design Consulting behind. It will continue to be our service-based business offering companies an array of services and solutions to spark business online. These services center on developing and implementing customer-facing and collaborative systems and their back-office support systems.
However, Pathlight Solutions will be product-focused around business transformation. It will offer the thought leadership and tools companies need to be in the know about business transformation.
And we’re soooo excited about ValueRight Social Media, our social media and SCRM valuation tool.
Check out Pathlight Solutions and ValueRight by following the links.