SCRM discussions around the blogosphere

Thought you might be interested in several good articles on topics around the convergence of social media and technology.  Scroll down through the comments because I added to the discussion in both articles.


Enabling Social CRM is a convergence of Enterprise 2.0 and CRM – Adding to the technology versus people discussion with the money quote:

Customers are no longer managed, rather data is managed, analyzed to and for the benefit of the customer, the company and greater good – Customers are embraced.

My comment revolved around capturing the loyalty of hard-to-please Gen Yers (the “Millennial” Generation) and determining the right technology mix to meet social media goals.


A Brief History of SCRM – Explains the rise of CRM and the transition to CRM 2.0, as well as the need for continued shifts to include social engagement with customers.

My comment shared my thoughts on communal versus one-to-one customer engagements.

This article has a good discussion going on with input from various folks who make punctuating observations.