Tips to Lead Successful Corporate Change

Change is stressful, even welcome change, because it challenges people to be different than they’ve been before. That’s an uncomfortable place to be until people absorb the new ways of being or doing activities.

Leading successful change within a corporate environment is a multi-stage process, requiring a combination of leadership, planning and communication in each stage. Check out our systematic approach to change management below to see how we roll.

Henry Kissinger summed up leadership this way,

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The Business of Social Business–Now Published!

Woo hoo! I’m happy to report The Business of Social Business is out on Kindle and Nook. I wrote the book in partnership with Dr. Natalie.

Social business is revolutionizing the business landscape. Fifty years from now, historians will look back and realize social business was as game changing as the rise of PCs on everyone’s desktops.

The thing is, though, a lot of business leaders continue to struggle with understanding the importance of social business or the impact it can have on a company. And they don’t understand how to implement the social business model to solve real-world business problems or to springboard opportunities.

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Business strategy should always lead technology

There are ongoing discussions ablaze concerning how to label social media technology solutions.  Should they be called Social CRM or Social Business solutions or what have you.

It’s beneficial to decide on labels so we can all speak a common language so the discussion is important.

However, the focus on the technology is also a cart before the horse phenomena.

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How Intellicore Design Consulting helps companies strategize & implement social media

Navigating through the social media world can be challenging, especially for companies new to these channels.

Part of the challenge is the breath of social media.  To do it right, companies need to consider the both user needs and business needs.

Bridging user and business needs is our speciality and that's why we can help you.

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