Every weakness is a potential strength

When I look back on my life, I realize I've made some whopper mistakes that are all traceable back to my weaknesses.  As much as I’d like to blah, blah, blah about the value of experience, I’d rather avoid mistakes in the first place.

How to do, how to do.  Then it hit me…life-changing epiphany.

Every weakness is a strength. 

I realized however deep my failures are indicate the height of my possible success. 

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Warning: Rebels die (but awakeners live)

Ernest Terry, one of my old Exxon bosses and a savvy corporate player, once said, “The problem with rebels is they either die in the fight or are shoved put aside when it’s over. New regimes need builders and not destroyers.”

Ernest's wisdom has stayed with me a decade or so later because It's. Absolutely. True.

As “they” say, change is the only constant in life.  Another truism is change is always stressful, even when it’s welcome, because change always, always requires some form of sacrifice.  The magnitude of stress escalates, though, when change is imposed. 

If you're like me and are a natural change agent, then how do you handle yourself to avoid the fallout of being a rebel while still being true to your nature?  Let's talk strategies to be welcomed as an awakening change agent.

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Strategies to stimulate creativity and leave control in the dust

I blogged previously on the Control  Versus Creativity Continuum and how favoring control can lead to turning your life radioactive.  In contrast, though, creativity is a good news energy that you can use as your personal nuclear fusion reactor -- and that's the sort of energy that powers the stars.

Being a reformed controloholic, I have a strategy to share that I learned from my friend Amanda that provides a dandy and practical way to maintaining a creativity mindset. 

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